Here at Merchgirls we take serious consideration on how our business affects our planet. We consider all aspects of the production and dispatch process to minimise our carbon emissions. However, with products, production and shipping, there are always unavoidable emissions.
Whilst we still continue to minimise our emissions everyday, we have welcomed the expertise of Carbon Neutral to offset our freight emissions.
Over a six month period, Merchgirls emits roughly 70.88 tonnes of carbon. This is largely due to having some of our stock air-freighted. We decided that we didn’t want to simply offset the carbon we emitted to reach carbon neutrality (essentially pulling out as much carbon as we emit).
We have committed to offsetting a tonne of carbon each day, which makes Merchgirls carbon positive i.e. we’re pulling more carbon out of the air than we emit.
For every tonne of carbon offset we purchase, Carbon Neutral plants 15-17 trees in their WA carbon sink.
Looking forward, our goal is to achieve a carbon neutral manufacturing process by 2025.